Fanfuckingtastic, we’re on to week two together.
Pulling her p.s. from the bottom so you don’t miss it: “PS: This might be a nice practice to light a candle. Maybe dedicate this one to someone in your life that might need some love or extra good juju.”
I think todays session should be a great start to our week. Hope yours is amazing. (SA)
Yoga with Adriene – Day 8 (28 mins)
Mediation with Portia – Day 8 – Moving Mediation & Neck Release (8 mins)
Notes from Adriene on Day 8
Congrats! You have made it through your first week of this crazy transformative journey! Cheers to you!
I love that each practice is different in the 30 Day journey. It reminds us that in our quest to find balance we must truly listen to the body. This may mean slowing down when you do not want to. Or it could mean sticking with it when you are ready to throw in the towel.
You have been working hard and so it is time to try a different rasa or flavor.
Work to balance.
The sun and the moon!
The yin and the yang!
The masculine and the feminine!
The hot and the cold!
The hard and the soft!
The effort and the ease!
You get it the picture.
There is healing power in Yoga when we listen. Massive amounts. Slow it down today and check in after your beautiful week 1. There are many more practices to come. Stay in the moment, loves. Stay with the sensations and take good care.
Whether you plan to mediate after practice or whether the practice IS your mediation, use this slow and juicy sequence to guide your body and your breath.
Day 8 invites you to change the tempo, cultivate balance, and CONNECT. We open the hips in this sequence and use the subtle power of the breath to find release and let go.
Connect to your spirit, soften, stretch, and relax. If you are used to moving fast this may be a challenge for you. Enjoy the rejuvenating and restorative benefits of yoga and meditation.
This should feel AWESOME after the first week of the 30 Day Of Yoga Journey.
Relax and enjoy!
You deserve it.
PS: This might be a nice practice to light a candle. Maybe dedicate this one to someone in your life that might need some love or extra good juju.