Sunday funday…good relaxing day!
Yoga with Adriene – Day 14 – Mindful Hatha (17 mins)
Mediation with Portia – Day 14 – Mediation For Recovery (7 mins)
Notes from Adriene on Day 14
It’s me
We are almost to the halfway mark!
Cue: Wanna Be Startin’ Something
Practice VS. Workout
If you ask me, it’s the same thing if we are doing it mindfully.
We don’t need to get all high and mighty and Judgy McJudgerson on those who blast through their workouts. We can lead by example, mindfully. Do your thing and don’t waste energy judging others. Be a beast, a bee, or a bunny. If we are all making an effort to “work out” then we are all working it out. And we know it takes practice.
That is what matters and we can absolutely support each other (across oceans even) as we design our practice to fit our body type and align with our soul. I think that is pretty awesome if you ask me.
This yoga workout is more of a practice than a workout, in my world anyway. I invite you to embrace the practice as you work it out!
Day 14 invites you to stretch tired and stiff muscles while also connecting to spirit and breath. Open the shoulders and find relief from stress and tension with this yummy 16 min at home practice. Open the hips and connect to your core.
Use today to check in with how you feel and write it down in your practice journal.
Don’t have a practice journal? Write it on your 30 Days Of Yoga calendar! Or on a napkin! What is one word to describe today’s practice?
Tomorrow’s practice features one of my favorite asanas! See you at the halfway mark.
PS: Got off on your days? Stick with your timing. There are no mistakes. Don’t give up. If you finish next month – who cares! Self love is the priority.