Day 13 – Lucky 13 Baby!

Who doesn’t love someone that embraces the number 13? Go Adriene and happy Saturday everyone! Namaste…

Yoga with Adriene – Day 13 – Endurance and Ease (25 mins)

Mediation with Portia – Day 13 – Beginners Awareness & Personal Empowerment  (13 mins)

Notes from Adriene on Day 13

Is the number 13 lucky for you?

It is for me. My mother’s belief in the power of numbers has always influenced me. Not only is the number 13 special in my family but so is the eagle.

So on Day 13 we fly!

We raise each other up on eagle’s wings!

And soar!

(Garsh, I’m sore.)

Find the mustard for your (yoga) pretzel in this fun full-body sequence.

Day 13 invites you to stretch, twist, and fly like an eagle aiming for full breaths and eventual exquisite ease. Check in with your Day 13 endurance by softening your jaw and the skin of your face.

Unfurrow that brow, lighten your heart, and unwind your mind with this savory Humble Warrior sequence.

Humbly yours, 
