Day 3 – Forget what you know

Day 3…Day 3! Make it a great day my people.

Yoga with Adriene – Day 3 – Forget What You Know (23 mins)

Mediation with Portia – Day 3 (5:16 mins)

Notes from Adriene on Day 3:

You made it to Day 3!

Perhaps you are sore but hopefully, you are smiling!

In my personal practice, I am working towards a practice that assists me in getting back to me. I am constantly reminding myself that it is okay if I am not doing it all “perfect” if I am practicing in a way that gets me back to me. Mainly because we are already perfectly perfect but also because I simply don’t want to feel like a slave to my practice. A yoga robot, if you will.

Yoga is meant to be enjoyed! So, today, I invite you to FORGET WHAT YOU KNOW about yoga practice and open your mind to a new experience.

No more yoga robots!

It is so easy to slip into automatic pilot. For today’s sequence, come into a beginner’s mind. (Bonus if you are a beginner and totally new to yoga!)

When we come to this idea of beginner’s mind – we open up to all possibilities.

Use this Day 3 practice to check in with balance and connect to your core center. Let go of expectations and stay receptive as you work to build strength and unlock more space.

Again, open up to making new discoveries! If you are a regular yogi, this practice will be a great opportunity to change it up. If you are new to the practice, ROCK ON, you have that beautiful beginner’s mind already. Seek opportunities to learn – especially in the difficulties.

Everyone, close your eyes when you can, move mindfully, and trust yourself. Breathe. Breathe slowly.

This revitalizing and strengthening sequence is great for balance, core & hip check in, and supports good posture!

Explore where you are TODAY.

There are some more restorative practices on the way, I promise! Plus, shorter sequences begin to weave in and out!

Stick with it!! Leave a comment on the video and let me know how you’re doing. Most importantly, keep supporting each other!

All my love,